Picking Dandelions by Sarah Cunningham
Picking Dandelions by Sarah  Cunningham

Cunningham believes that through life's weeds, we are all striving to find a little piece of Eden. Some of us may go through extremes to find it, but at it's core perhaps Eden is in front of us-even inside us.

Picking Dandelions by Sarah Cunningham

"Dandelions" is a quirky memoir with a serious message. And her new book, Picking Dandelions is a prime example of someone reaching through the muck and mire of perfect fixes and telling us a story where it does not all work out in the end. Sarah Cunningham is one of these authors. We want to know that other people realize that life, and consequently our faith, are so daily. We don't want somebody to tell us how they have overcome a hurt and now they are perfect. We don't want simple and quick fixes to our problems. But with the maturation of my generation (X) and the generation right under us, things have changed. It used to be you couldn't pick up a book in the "Christian Living" section without its author telling you what kind of awful tragedy they had overcome, or what three step process will make your life better. The Christian Book industry has changed rather drastically over the past decade or so. I appreciate Sarah giving me the chance to participate.

Picking Dandelions by Sarah Cunningham

Note: This blog is part of Sarah's summer blog tour.

Picking Dandelions by Sarah  Cunningham